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Fassa Gaper 3.30 25kg semi-rapid mortar

Pallet: 48 bags

VAT included

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Semi-rapid mortar Fassa Gaper 3.30 thixotropic, fibre-reinforced, extra-white and grey, for interiors and exteriors.


GAPER 3.30 is used for smoothing and levelling non-planar surfaces indoors and outdoors, horizontally and vertically, with thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm. It is also suitable for repairing steps, depressions and holes in screeds. In a short time the substrates will be suitable for laying ceramics, stone material or waterproofing sheaths (such as AQUAZIP GE 97 etc.).


Mix GAPER 3.30 grey with 21-23% clean water (add 5.3-5.7 litres to each 25 kg bag); GAPER 3.30 white should be mixed with 23-25% clean water (add 5.8-6.2 litres to each 25 kg bag).
Mix the mortar by hand or with a mechanical stirrer for no more than 3 minutes; smooth the surface with a metal spatula, then spread the mixture until the desired thickness is obtained (maximum 30 mm). For higher applications
at 30 mm it is necessary to wait for the complete hardening of the product of the previous coats. In the case of pronounced discontinuities of the surface (presence of joints or strong differences in thickness) or the presence of supports with high
possibility of dimensional variations due to thermal or hygrometric effects, insert an alkali-resistant fibreglass mesh such as FASSANET 160 inside the first coat.
For applications on poorly absorbent substrates, we recommend mixing GAPER 3.30 with AG 15 latex in a 1:3 ratio (one part latex and three parts water) to improve the adhesion characteristics of the product.

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