

Anti-impact mats under screed

11 products

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Anti-impact mats, sound-absorbing under screed and insulating strips. Buy on Emmeti Store, fast shipping and guaranteed return.

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Anti-impact mats under screed

Insulation under screed

To improve sound insulation one of the best solutions is the installation of a anti-trampling mat under screed, an efficient option to reduce noise and increase living comfort. At Emmeti Isolanti we offer a careful selection of acoustic mats, materials that reduce footfall noise by insulating the floor.

Inside our e-commerce you can find high quality products of Isolmant, the range dedicated to thethermal and acoustic insulation by Tecnasfalti. The sound-absorbing materials of the range are available Underplus Black E, indicated in the presence of a screed with a thickness of at least 5 cm.

The anti-noise floor mat ensures a Noise reduction up to 26 dB, with good thermal resistance and fairly easy assembly. The thickness of the material is approximately 6/7 mm, with a Roll format to simplify application and allow for optimal trimming based on the size and shape of the sub-screed.

Isolmant Underplus Black E is made up of a layer in expanded polyethylene, integrated with a needled fibre that enhances its sound insulation properties, with a dynamic stiffness of 17 MN/m3The sound-absorbing mat under the screed is suitable for installations in the attic, especially in double layer underlays, otherwise there are specific products for single-layer underlays.

How to choose the anti-trampling mat

One of the most important features in buildings is thesound insulation, an essential condition for making internal environments more comfortable and efficient. To reduce noise due to foot traffic, it is essential to have a correct design, it is also essential to choose the right insulating material and carry out a proper installation.

For the traditional screeds It is possible to apply sound-absorbing floor mats by inserting a resilient layer inside the floor to absorb the impact energy due to foot traffic. In two-layer structures it is possible to create the containment tank by creating a sub-base in which to insert the noise-reducing mat.

In the single layer structures the sound-absorbing material must be integrated into the concrete reinforcement of the floor slab, to continue with the upper screed. The best configuration is the dry screed, capable of providing higher acoustic insulation with the same thickness, by adopting a multi-layer system on which to place the flooring.

For the Choosing the acoustic mat It is important to consider some technical characteristics, in addition to the application dynamics and the type of screed. In detail, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic stiffness, according to the indications of the UNI EN 29052-1 standard, opting for materials with a value that is neither too high nor excessively low.

How to lay the insulating mat under the screed

There laying of the acoustic insulation mat under screed requires some care to achieve a proper installation and effectively reduce impact noise. First of all, you need to level the substrate, to ensure correct mechanical support at the level where the systems are located.

After that it is possible apply sound-absorbing mats, always starting from the wall edge, joining the mats with special insulating sealing tape. Then the perimeter band must be inserted, leaving an excess of at least 2/3 cm, continuing with the creation of the finishing screed and with the laying of the floor.